Capital Loan Program


The Capital Loan Program provides loans at a below market rate for qualified not-for-profit healthcare and education institutions for the purchase of capital equipment or for refinancing of existing debt.

The Authority has developed a simple application process and standardized documents which limits expenses and the time needed to complete a financing.

The Authority will co-lend a part of the loan at a 30% level, subject to the board's discretion.

Loan Term:

The term of a loan will be five years with a longer amortization schedule if needed.

Loan Amount (for the Authority's portion):

$50,000 minimum and $450,000 maximum.

Who Can Borrow?:

Any institution that is qualified to borrow from the Authority under RSA 195-D or 195-E is eligible to be a borrower under this Program.


The Authority’s rate will be one-half of the bank rate or a minimum of 2.25%..


Typically, the Authority will have a parity position in the same security as the lender with no additional security or covenants required.


There may be out-of-pocket expenses such as surveys, appraisals, filing fees, etc. charged to the institution. Legal fees (other than any institution’s counsel fees) will generally not exceed $3,000.

There are no fees charged by the Authority.

Click to view the Capital Loan Program Policy Guidelines.

For an application or additional information, contact:
Bonnie S. Payette, Executive Director
New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority
One Capitol Street, Suite 200
Concord, NH 03301

Phone: 603-224-0696
Fax: 603-224-3058